Discrete models of economic efficiency of an oil and gas industry enterprise


  • Rustam K. Bayramgaziev Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Fedan F. Gazizov Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Azat R. Garipov Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Denis Yu. Efimov Ufa state petroleum technological university
  • Marat I. Safin Ufa state petroleum technological university




discrete model, economic efficiency, oil and gas industry


One of the most important goals of the company's strategy is to increase the share of presence in the market of goods or services. For enterprises operating in the segment of providing oil and gas products to the population and enterprises, this indicator is the share of the company's products in the total market share of oil and gas products. Thus, in order to form the strategy of an enterprise for the production of gas and oil, management personnel must have appropriate effective tools in the form of a mathematical model that reproduces the dynamics of the company's share in the market of oil and gas products. It is obvious that the economic efficiency indicator covers all components of the company's strategy, starting from integration into the raw materials market, building logistics, presence in the sales market, ending with the calculation and forecasting of raw material costs, wages, expenses for technological equipment and the like. A detailed analysis of these processes shows that it is advisable to identify two factors that affect the market share of the enterprise and aggregate all other factors, namely: the share of raw material consumption by the enterprise in the raw material market and the cost of production. Indeed, the second factor aggregates all derivatives, such as: the quality of logistics, scientific, technical and innovative components of the production process and all other types of costs. At the same time, the factors are not constant, but rather seasonal. Their dynamics is an important point when developing a strategy. In this case, regression models are unsuitable because they do not take into account the inertia of processes in the market of commodity products and in the raw materials market. The mathematical apparatus that takes into account the inertia of the processes of market share formation are differential equations or their discrete analogues in the form of difference equations. The obtained interval model of the dynamics of the market share of commodity products of an oil and gas industry enterprise can serve as a basis in the process of forming the strategy of this and similar enterprises.


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How to Cite

Байрамгазиев РХ, Газизов ФФ, Гарипов АР, Ефимов ДЮ, Сафин МИ. Discrete models of economic efficiency of an oil and gas industry enterprise. УО [Internet]. 2023Jan.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(1):89-96. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/742