Physical education as an element of technosphere safety at the enterprise


  • Anna V. Kuznetsova Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, branch in Sterlitamak
  • Oleg V. Lisachenko Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, branch in Sterlitamak



physical activity, technosphere safety, emotional and physiological indicators, work productivity, office workout


The article presents the results of the pilot implementation of the program of short-term physical activity at the enterprise for employees of the office department. The purpose of the study was to determine the degree of exposure to short-term physical activity for employees at the enterprise. The study was carried out on the basis of the production and scientific institution LLC NPP Beauty and Health Laboratory, located in the Moscow region. The economic and strategic department of the organization was allocated for the study. The experimental group consisted of 24 employees. To carry out the study, a circular physical activity program "Office_Light" was developed. According to the results, it was revealed that the use of short-term loads for office workers has a beneficial effect on the emotional and physiological, as well as the productive sphere of employees. The general condition in all indicators improved after the experiment, which was expressed in a decrease in blood pressure by an average of 3.1%, a decrease in heart rate by an average of 3.8%, and a decrease in weight by 3.0% on average, respectively. Indicators of general labor productivity increased on average from 0.5 to 1.0%. On the basis of which, at enterprises in departments with monotonous office work, the introduction of short-term physical activity should be recommended to increase overall productivity and the condition of workers.


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How to Cite

Кузнецова АВ, Лисаченко ОВ. Physical education as an element of technosphere safety at the enterprise. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):126-33. Available from: