Theory and methodology of conducting teaching at the present stage


  • Fanglin He Russian State Pedagogical University. Herzen A.I.



conducting, teaching, methodology, research


The qualitative level of training of future specialists in the field of musical and pedagogical education in Russia involves the use of new approaches to the organization of the educational process aimed at increasing the methodological competence of future teachers and improving their professional skills. In the context of modernization and intensification of teacher education in Russia, the relevance of innovative approaches based on the use of various modern teaching methods using information technology is growing. The use of innovative technologies in the study of the discipline "Choral Conducting" activates learning; arouses the desire of students to perform creative tasks; arrange choral works; record vocal and choral works with notes. In modern art education, the solution of this problem in the formation of the methodological competence of future music teachers is especially relevant. The use of musical information technologies in the educational process from choral conducting significantly deepens theoretical and practical knowledge, improves the quality of education and the formation of methodological competence of future teachers of musical art. Informatization of the educational process determines the independent work of students as more independent and creative; gives students the opportunity to work with various sources of information, record, process choral works and their own created music using modern musical computer programs and effectively use them in their further musical and pedagogical activities.


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How to Cite

Линь ХФ. Theory and methodology of conducting teaching at the present stage. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(11):107-13. Available from: