Methodological model of multilingual training of future teachers of economic and mathematical disciplines at the university


  • Mikhail M. Pryanishnikov Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



Training model, teacher, university, mathematics, structure, training


The requirement of poly-linguistic determinism (according to which the subject's choice of a particular language or dialect from among those he owns is not fixed, but variable and in each particular case depends, among other things, on the interlocutor and the situation) not only does not lose its significance in modern conditions, but, on the contrary, it begins to play an increasingly important role. Recently, in the system of higher education, the multilingual factor, under the influence of a number of different circumstances, is becoming more and more often and consistently dominated by the linguistic and geographical factor. Scientific novelty is determined by the fact that higher education institutions occupy a special place in the education system. They are included in the system, connected with it, but they have certain specifics in comparison with secondary specialized, secondary primary educational institutions. This specificity is manifested both at the level of the content and forms of the educational process, and in the implementation of the educational function, as well as at the level of language practices and language competence. The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that activity as a purely human form of activity presupposes a certain confrontation between the subject and the object, since the latter is chosen by a person to influence him in order to obtain a new form and properties; then the object from the material becomes a product of activity. Every activity presupposes a goal, content, means and result, therefore it is conscious.


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How to Cite

Прянишников ММ. Methodological model of multilingual training of future teachers of economic and mathematical disciplines at the university. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(7):46-61. Available from: