Advantages and disadvantages of Open Source technologies and Oracle products in the technologization of educational processes


  • Andrey S. Borisov-Pototsky Research and Production Association "Special Equipment and Communications" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  • Tatyana S. Mishutina Research and Production Association "Special Equipment and Communications" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



Open source, CRM, customer relationship management systems, Oracle products, information technology


The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of Open Source technologies and Oracle products. The problems of modern open source customer relationship management systems are analyzed. The tasks that the use of the technology in question solves are outlined. The author comes to the conclusion that despite the existing shortcomings, increasing the independence of state organizations from foreign suppliers of proprietary Open Source technologies and Oracle products, expanding the ability to control and independently develop software solutions, obtaining economic benefits from the introduction and use of solutions based on Open Source technologies and Oracle products, suggests its widespread use in Russia in the future.


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How to Cite

Борисов-Потоцкий АС, Мишутина ТС. Advantages and disadvantages of Open Source technologies and Oracle products in the technologization of educational processes. УО [Internet]. 2022Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(1):198-206. Available from: