Features of music education in China and Russia


  • Dong Shuhan The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Weinan Teachers University (WNTC)




music education, piano school, aesthetic qualities, musical instruments, music lessons, cultural development


The subject of the study is the differences between music education in China and in Russia, in particular, music teaching and the attitude of parents to learning to play the piano. The article analyzes the opinions of researchers who consider the level of music education in China to be insufficient, in comparison with Western and neighboring countries. It is noted that it is necessary to create a musical environment where people love and understand music. The development of the level of musical education is associated with the formation of aesthetic qualities, and the understanding that the main goal of music is the cultural development of the younger generation, and not the achievement of high results. In the context of the globalization of the world space, the era of rapid enrichment of information and communication capabilities of mankind, the trend towards a dialogue of cultures is increasing in developed countries, integration processes are becoming more active, a dialogue between Western and Eastern Civilizations is being established, mutual exchange and enrichment of cultural space is being established. This situation has caused a new principle of relations between Russia and China, directed them to establish bridges of creative cooperation and interchange between the achievements of culture and education. It is known that over the past two decades, music education has become popular in China. The country has the largest number of young people studying music in the world. There is a developed infrastructure, good educational institutions equipped with high-quality equipment.


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How to Cite

Шухань Д. Features of music education in China and Russia. УО [Internet]. 2021Aug.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(4):154-61. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/136