Working on the technique of playing the saxophone


  • Sun Yu Chao Russian State Pedagogical University named of A.I. Herzen



training, saxophone, performer, playing technique music education, jazz, improvisation, repertoire


The purpose of the article is to analyze the work on the technique of playing the saxophone. The article examines the modern concept of music education aimed at the formation of a creative personality and the development of professional skills of brass musicians. The article explores the intellectual, volitional, emotional and creative components of performing skills, the importance of playing technique and artistic interpretation of musical works. The author analyzes the theoretical aspects of creative thinking, conducts practical observations of the training and professional activities of saxophonists. The article highlights the influence of musical psychology, pedagogy and musicology on the development of the artistic image and technique of playing the saxophone. The interpretation of musical works is considered by the author as a process of dialogue between the performer, composer and listener, where the psychological qualities of the musician play a key role. The work includes an analysis of modern literature on the theory of performing on wind instruments, emphasizing the need for individual understanding and experiencing the emotions of music in order to achieve performing freedom. According to the results of the study, the following conclusions were made: playing the saxophone requires a combination of artistic interpretation and technical skill from the performer. The main components include motor-technical and intonation-expressive aspects, sound control through various techniques and coordination. The sound of the instrument and the formation of timbres are important for a saxophonist, requiring good hearing and the ability to change the sound. The use of vibrato adds stability and purity to the sound. The technique of the game not only allows you to reveal the personality of the performer, but also creates the basis for high-quality performance. The interpretation of a work plays a key role, requiring attention to technique and artistry in order to convey the author's idea and interact with the audience. The analysis of works for saxophone is important for full understanding and good performance.


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How to Cite

Юйчао С. Working on the technique of playing the saxophone. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(2-1):240-8. Available from:

