Domestic and foreign experience in the application of methods and technologies of selection for police service


  • Ivan V. Krasnov Main Center for Ensuring the Activities of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation



recruitment, selection, psychophysiological research, a survey using a polygraph, candidates, deviant behavior


The article considers the problem of qualitative selection and selection of candidates for service in the territorial bodies (divisions) of the Rosgvardiya. Psychological selection, together with its psychophysiological component, is a part of professional selection aimed at identifying such employees who, according to their moral, psychophysiological and psychological qualities, most correspond to the specific requirements of future activity. At the same time, highly effective psychological selection should have an integrated approach that corresponds to two principles, the first is the principle of differentiation and dynamism, the second is the reliability and prognosticality of the methods used. The experience of using a polygraph in the police in the course of personnel work is considered. The results of the study of candidates for work in private organizations and for service in the Rosgvardiya are presented. Professional psychological selection is also considered as a set of measures aimed at ensuring a high-quality selection of the organization's personnel based on an assessment of the compliance of the level of development of the necessary psychophysiological (individual) qualities and personality properties with the requirements of professional activity. The socio-psychological and personal characteristics of candidates identified in the process of psychodiagnostic research and negatively affecting their further service are summarized.


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How to Cite

Краснов ИВ. Domestic and foreign experience in the application of methods and technologies of selection for police service. УО [Internet]. 2021Aug.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(4):118-26. Available from: