Formation of the image of urban space in the visual arts as a means of pedagogical reception in architectural education


  • Irina V. Zybina State University of Land Management



history of the urban landscape, urban landscape, fine art, image of the city


In the urban landscape, an important characteristic is the concept of the "image of the city" as a manifestation of the spiritual essence of the material urban space, the expression of common features and unique features, the reflection of historical and cultural memory, ethno-cultural identity inherent in cities. The study of the evolution of the image of the city in the visual arts allows us to identify ideas about values, aesthetic categories, social norms of a certain historical period, trends in the development of urban spaces. When discussing the construction of a city by the types of elements on a citywide scale, the following are distinguished: districts, borders, roads, nodes, landmarks. However, " only in the interconnectedness of the parts into a single whole, the paths can reveal the sequence and character of the districts and connect various nodes; The nodes will connect and outline the paths, the boundaries will cover the districts, and the landmarks will indicate the centers of activity.” A complete study of all these links with the help of light is able to link them into a complete night image, because the landmark has sufficient strength if it is visible from a long distance and for a long time; if, relying on it, you can establish your own localization; nodes as conceptual supports of the image of cities, which can be supported by specific stable lighting (the use of a rhythmic light installation in the visual organization of nodes provides such a specific feature at night, which makes it clearer); clear limits make it easier to recognize nodes; city districts as homogeneous in the nature of the territory are better perceived when organizing uniform background lighting.


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How to Cite

Зыбина ИВ. Formation of the image of urban space in the visual arts as a means of pedagogical reception in architectural education. УО [Internet]. 2021Aug.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(4):109-17. Available from: