Pedagogical design of the plot of patriotic dance


  • Aman I. Izmailov Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishcheva
  • Sergey V. Tetersky Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishcheva



education, pedagogical design, patriotism, plot dance, artistic creativity


Designing patriotic dance is an innovative approach to patriotic education, which is an urgent scientific problem in the context of the sovereignty of Russia and Russian education. The design process in various scientific fields is considered, its role in education, culture and art is outlined. We analyzed the contribution of academic researchers and choreographers involved in the issues of composition and dance production to the design. The prerequisites for the creation and widespread use of design technology in practice have been identified: an increase in the number of festivals, concert events of a patriotic nature, patriotic projects, the emergence of the competitive nomination “patriotic dance” for both groups and choreographers. The designer proposed by the authors, which harmoniously combines pedagogical methods with the laws of dramaturgy of a choreographic work, can become an effective tool for creating dance both for students of creative specialties of secondary and higher educational institutions, and for young choreographers. For example, in the Astrakhan region, the category “patriotic dance” appeared in choreographic competitions. This nomination was introduced with the aim of supporting and developing patriotic values among children and youth. Also, at the interregional competition of choreographers’ works “Swan-2023”, a separate nomination “dance of patriotic themes” was allocated. Participants in the competition, namely choreographers, had to present dance numbers that would reflect the national traditions and culture of Russia.


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How to Cite

Измаилов АИ, Тетерский СВ. Pedagogical design of the plot of patriotic dance. УО [Internet]. 2023Nov.30 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(11-2):144-52. Available from:

