Educational and methodological support for the formation of functional literacy of Russian language learners in the countries of southern Africa


  • Anastasia A. Vertianova Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
  • Maya A. Ermoshina Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
  • Boris A. Kruse Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University



Russian as a foreign language, functional literacy, communicative competence, educational and methodological support, popularization of the Russian language


The article presents the aspects of educational and methodological support for the formation of functional literacy of Russian language learners in the countries of southern Africa. The relevance of this issue is determined by one of the priority goals of modern education, namely the development of literacy: general cultural, functional, professional. The authors take as a basis the definition of functional literacy, which includes functional literacy as the ability of students to apply subject knowledge and basic skills to solve everyday tasks, the ability to comprehensively solve problems of varying degrees of complexity in situations beyond the educational area. The creation of a universal educational model aimed at the development and improvement of functional literacy and communicative competence is the basis for effective personal development of students. Authors of the publication refer to one of the main goals of Russia's foreign policy – to spread and strengthen the position of the Russian language in the world, to popularize the cultural achievements of the peoples of Russia in the countries of the African continent, which can include the focus of state policy on supporting the Russian language among the population of foreign countries on the basis of the formation of appropriate types of functional literacy. Considering the scarcity of theoretical research and practical developments in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language for citizens living in southern Africa in the light of the concept of functional literacy, the authors of the article created an educational and methodological manual "Workbook. Russian communication: learning to read, write and speak Russian." The article describes the structure and logic of the teaching aid and examines the presented system of communicative and functionally oriented tasks united by the lexical and grammatical theme "Numerals".


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How to Cite

Вертьянова АА, Ермошина МА, Крузе БА. Educational and methodological support for the formation of functional literacy of Russian language learners in the countries of southern Africa. УО [Internet]. 2023Oct.30 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(10-2):278-86. Available from:

