Project activity and historical reconstruction as a means of moral and patriotic education of preschool children


  • Ekaterina O. Orlova Moscow State Pedagogical University



Activity, education, primary school age, sensitive period


Scientists refer to the means of patriotic education as the native language, history, native nature, cultural and spiritual heritage represented by museum exhibits. In the implementation of patriotic education by means of museum pedagogy, the unity of the state and the family is necessary. According to the scientist, the characteristic features of museology are informality (the ability to create an atmosphere of trust), democracy, visibility, communication (conducting museum lessons), interactivity (creating interaction between teachers and students and between students themselves), emotionality (patriotic education is impossible without feelings, the formation of a sense of pride for one's Homeland). So, we agree with the position of scientists that among the values of Russian national culture necessary for the implementation of patriotic education of primary school students, an important place is occupied by museum studies, which can influence the spiritual world of a person at the level of subconsciousness, emotional comprehension, intuition. The museum as a center of spiritual educational enrichment of children expands its pedagogical capabilities, promotes mutual understanding of different generations and professions, attracts children to eternal spiritual values, deepens patriotic feelings. Museum activity is aimed at the formation of patriotism, a sense of belonging of an individual to society, and the forms and methods of museum pedagogy stimulate the emotional and volitional sphere of primary school students and contribute to the achievement of the main goal of patriotic education.


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How to Cite

Орлова ЕО. Project activity and historical reconstruction as a means of moral and patriotic education of preschool children. УО [Internet]. 2021Aug.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(4):10-8. Available from: