The possibilities of augmented reality tools for studying physiological material in school biology


  • Daria A. Kuftinova Mordovian State Pedagogical University named after M. E. Evsevyev
  • Anna I. Kiselyova Mordovian State Pedagogical University named after M. E. Evsevyev



activity, technical means, computer technology, knowledge, motivation


Currently, there is a need to improve the quality of subject training of students. Information technologies at the present stage play a key role in this issue. The use of information in various fields of activity implies the universal informatization of modern society, which leads to the gradual formation of a new education system. The consequence of this is a significant change in pedagogical theory and practice, because teachers are beginning to apply different teaching technologies and use current technical capabilities at the moment. Computer and information technologies, which have become an integral part of the educational process, significantly increase the productivity of classes. In contrast to the usual technical means of teaching, computer technologies enable students to study a larger amount of educational material, as well as to gain new knowledge on their own. Modern computer technologies help to develop and motivate creative and intellectual abilities, while working with a variety of information sources. The joint activity of teachers and students forms the basis of educational technology. The use of current information technologies provides an opportunity for students to form motivation for cognitive activity.


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How to Cite

Куфтинова ДА, Киселева АИ. The possibilities of augmented reality tools for studying physiological material in school biology. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.25 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(7):46-52. Available from: